Learning and healing through child abuse stories

The child abuse stories and articles on this website are about emotional and physical child abuse. If you are an adult survivor of child abuse, know that you are not alone. Through this website, I will share bits and pieces of the child abuse stories that make up my book. The purpose of this website is to put a face on child abuse through true stories, while offering hope of healing to those still suffering from the after effects of child abuse.

If you want to learn about physical and emotional child abuse, or are a child abuse survivor and looking for support, validation, and ideas for healing, you might find this website helpful. Let others who have gone before you light your path and show you the many ways they have healed themselves.  There is no magic. Healing the long term effects of child abuse is a process.

Though my child abuse stories are unique to me, I don’t believe the treatment I received at the hands of my caretakers were uncommon then, nor are they now. I grew up in a family affected by alcoholism, and mental illness. Through stories, I will show how these issues can feed into one another. For example, Momma is someone whose mental illness allows her to function enough that to anyone taking a snapshot of most moments in time would think all is well. They don’t see the inner workings of her mentally ill mind. Only those closest to her see her paranoia and hear the messages that repeat in her head. While her beauty appears to give her power, in reality, it is her worst enemy and her only source of self esteem. Isolated with her pain, her anger turns to rage which she takes out on the only person she had control of, her daughter.

The people in my stories are the walking wounded that you can easily find anywhere, if you know what to look for. These stories will create a multi-dimensional view, showing the various character’s humanity and the complexities of these issues. My story is one of unforgettable characters that you will come to love and hate, leaving you not quite knowing how to feel about them, but all the wiser for having known them.

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